Justin Foxwood


Justin, a certified Oregon State University (OSU) Master Naturalist and Climate Steward, started Wetland Wild while serving as the volunteer steward for a neglected wetland wildlife refuge in Hood River, Oregon. His connection with wetlands began in childhood, growing up near and spending countless hours exploring these diverse ecosystems, instilling in him an early and deep appreciation for their complexity and importance.

His journey in habitat conservation started with an enthusiasm for permaculture and native habitat gardening, which quickly expanded into a broader mission focused on the restoration and enhancement of wetland and riparian ecosystems. For Justin, this work is not just a passion, but a vital commitment to the environment, to repay a great debt owed to nature. He hopes to share what he’s learned with others, so they too can partner with and steward their own slice of nature.

Justin’s professional background as a Solution Engineer in the IT and telecom industry honed his skills in creative problem-solving, complex system design, and strategic optimization. These skills translate effectively into his conservation efforts, enabling him to approach habitat restoration with a unique and forward-thinking perspective. Justin specializes in developing innovative solutions to ecological challenges, ensuring the long-term vitality and resilience of wetland refuges.

His approach to conservation is holistic, recognizing the interdependence of all lifeforms, including humans, within the ecosystem — and how they are impacted by our rapidly changing climate. He sees wetlands as a tangible, multi-faceted solution to many of the challenges we all face due to climate change, including extreme heat, fire, flood, and drought events. By reintegrating wetlands into where we live, we can directly reap the benefits of their climate resilience. Justin is dedicated to implementing not just sustainable, but regenerative practices that preserve the natural beauty of wetlands and support their diverse wildlife. Through his efforts, he ensures that wetlands remain not only a sanctuaries for wildlife but also places of wonder and education for the community.

In Justin’s journey of conservation and discovery, he invites others to join in the vital work of protecting and enhancing wetland wildlife refuges, designing and organizing volunteer workshops, where anyone can get their hands dirty and learn the practical tools and techniques of citizen stewardship.

Education & Digital Strategy

Victoria Foxwood

Victoria is a certified Oregon State University (OSU) Climate Steward, and an ardent environmental advocate. Her work with Wetland Wild is the embodiment of a lifelong passion for and connection to nature. Victoria’s childhood was split between the hustle and bustle of the Washington, DC area and the tranquil lakes and rivers of her ancestral homeland in the Arkansas Ozarks, No matter where she found herself, she always spent as much time as possible exploring her local natural areas, with a particular fondness for their diverse waterways.

After double-majoring in Neuroscience and Leadership Studies and minoring in Education as an undergraduate, Victoria earned her Master’s degree in Interactive Media and spent over a decade working in corporate Learning Experience Design. During that time, she founded her company’s Green Team, as well as served on the company’s Sustainability Committee. Her combined educational, professional, and extracurricular experiences allow her to effectively communicate and educate about the importance of wetlands in the fight against climate change across a variety of audiences.

Victoria is particularly interested in ethnobotany, and enjoys learning about how local Pacific Northwest indigenous communities have traditionally used wetland plants as food, medicine, building materials, and more. Since becoming more intimately acquainted with wetlands and their many avian residents, she’s also begrudgingly found herself turning into a real “birder”.

A perpetual student and eternal dabbler at heart, Victoria believes that education should be accessible, enjoyable, and fun for everyone — and that everyone is an expert and potential teacher about something. She loves learning as much as possible from as many people as possible, and invites others to join her in this lifelong learning journey.